Sage in collaboration with GenWise presents our 2nd Residential program in calendar 2024, for students who are Gold/ Silver/ Bronze Scholars on ASSET Talent Search.

The Program is split into 3 tracks:

  • Junior (Grades 6,7 in Acad Year 2024-25)
  • Senior (Grades 8,9,10 in Acad Year 2024-25)
  • Career Discovery & Planning (CDP) (Grades 10,11,12 in Acad Year 2024-25)

Senior Track

Students in Grades 8,9,10 in Acad Year 2024-25

  • Intro to AI/ML & ChatGPT/ Generative AI (3 weeks)
  • Creative Engineering Adventures (3 weeks)
  • Explorations in Math (3 weeks)
    • Module 1: Graph Theory & Routing: The Math Behind Google Maps & Amazon Delivery
    • Module 2: Mathematics of Games & Puzzles
  • ​Leveraging the Power of ChatGPT/ Generative AI (1 week, July 24-31)

Junior Track

Grades 6,7 in Academic year 2024-25.

  • The Pleasure of Finding Things Out
  • The Joy of Creating Things
  • .

Career Discovery & Planning (CDP)

Students in Grades 10,11,12 in Acad Year 2024-25

  • Resident Internship

Students will also engage in a host of activities that broadens their horizons, enhances their socio-emotional development, and have fun in a device free environment!

Programme Fee Structure

Senior Track

3-week program fee:

(10th July - 31st July)

Eligibility : Entering Grades 8-10

Fee: AED 7900

Early Bird Offer
For ATS Qualifiers: AED 6900
(Ends May 19th, 2024)

Junior Track

2-week Program fee

(17th July - 31st July)

Eligibility : Entering Grades 6-7

Fee: AED 5600

Early Bird Offer
For ATS Qualifiers: AED 4900
(Ends May 19th, 2024)

Generative AI

1-week Program fee

(24th July - 31st July)

Fee: AED 3000

Career Discovery and Planning

3-week Program fee
(10th July - 31st July)

Eligibility : Entering Grades 10-12
Fee: AED 7900

Early Bird Offer
For ATS Qualifiers: AED 6900
(Ends May 31st, 2024)

Senior Track Courses

Senior (Grades 8,9,10 in Acad Year 2024-25)

To recap, the Senior Track is applicable for students moving to Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25, with the following considerations:

The Senior track comprises the following course options; all students will sign up for the full 3 weeks, by choosing one of the options below:

Available Options for July 2024 Grades 8,9,10



Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

(Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are changing the world, and there is going to be an increasing demand for the people who can understand and build AI/ML systems.

All aspects of our life are being digitized and data is being captured, and much of this data is available to anybody who wants to do something with it. More and more of our day-to-day activities will be controlled by or influenced by algorithms. Which means that the most exciting technologies today (and the ones that are also the most successful) are the ones that can make sense of this data in a way humans can. Every company, from Google to Facebook to Netflix to Amazon to Flipkart are turning to AI/ML for best results.

Topics to be covered:

The first two weeks of this course will give students a hands-on introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, while Week 3 will focus on the groundbreaking progress being made in Generative AI, and how students can leverage the power of these developments.

The course will introduce the students to 3 different aspects of AI theory and practice:

  • Understanding the theory of AI/ML
  • Learning how to build simple machine learning systems using low-code/no-code tools
  • Using AI algorithms with some existing data-sets to solve problems and build games

Specifically, the course will cover the following:

High-Level Concepts

  • What are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?
  • How is it different from normal software and computers?
  • An overview of the most important different approaches to AI
  • What types of problems they're best suited for?
  • And, what are some current applications that they're being used for?
  • The weaknesses of AI
  • The problems caused by inappropriate use of AI


  • Introduction to the mathematics that underlies ML algorithms
  • Understanding the train-test-validation cycle
  • Understanding the concept of hyperparameters and tuning
  • Understanding overfitting, underfitting, and the bias vs. variance trade-off
  • Techniques for improving accuracy


  • Image/audio/video/text classification using ML
  • Build simple games using ML and Scratch
  • Analyzing some real-world datasets using Python
  • Final Course Project

Week 1 of the course will be purely focused on learning to use the full power of ChatGPT and GenAI. Details here.

This course is facilitated by Navin Kabra.

Explorations in Math (Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)

A unique opportunity for students to explore and learn math concepts rarely offered in middle/high school; topics include Proofs Vs Conjectures, Combinatorics, Number Theory and Probability.

It is impossible to be a mathematician without being a poet in your soul - Sofya Kovalevskaya, Russian mathematician who made noteworthy contributions to analysis, partial differential equations and mechanics.

Module 1: Graph Theory & Routing: The Math Behind Google Maps & Amazon Delivery

Perhaps we are unaware that we are employing graph theory in our daily lives. In fact, graph theory is used in many of our daily routine activities.

We know that everything in our world is interconnected; for example cities are connected by road, rail and air networks; hyperlinks connected webpages on the internet; an electric circuit or a computer chip’s various components are interconnected; and so on. Graph theory can assist engineering, scientists, and other professionals who want to analyze, comprehend and optimize these interconnected networks.

For instance - every time we use Google Maps to find the best route between two locations, order food on Swiggy or a package on Amazon, they employ sophisticated versions of graph theory to share the most optimal route or recommend dishes or products.

Why is graph theory so useful in solving these problems? The most basic answer lies in the fact that graphs can be easy and straightforward models of objects that make up complicated real life situations.

In this module, we will explore mathematics of graphs and network routing using examples and problems that are basic and yet which bring out the key aspects of the more sophisticated problems in this domain. Additionally, this topic presents an opportunity for young, gifted students to experience how mathematics develops and how mathematicians approach their subject. This is an important learning experience for students as they rarely get a chance to discover mathematical material for themselves.

Module 2: Mathematics of Games & Puzzles

It is hard to find anyone who does not like games and puzzles. Sometimes the games seem complicated and it is difficult to figure out a strategy for playing the games. This course takes a mathematical approach to playing games and solving puzzles. Some games are pure strategy, like chess while others are pure luck. However, there are a range of games that are a combination of strategy and luck. For instance, many casino games fall in the last category.

In this module, we will discuss various types of games and the focus on understanding the underlying mathematical structure that leads to victory, loss or no win and no loss.

Similarly, for puzzles too, we will analyze them from the perspectives of their mathematical structure. There are some games and puzzles, for example, which look very challenging but are actually quite simple. On the other hand, there are games and puzzles which are very simple but even a small modification of the rules makes them extremely difficult. In short, through games and puzzles this module will explore fundamental mathematical concepts like Probability and Combinatorics.

Creative Engineering Adventures: From Gliders to Robotics (Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25)

It is often perceived that engineering is a domain reserved for 'technical' individuals, excluding those with a 'creative' flair, and that engineers' work is confined to mathematical equations and machine construction. However, engineering encompasses much more. Engineers probe questions to comprehend issues, envision new possibilities, and endeavour to devise solutions. The term 'engineer' derives from the Latin word 'ingeniatorum', signifying one who exercises creativity.

In this program, students are introduced to the realm of engineering and innovation, focusing on three segments: 1) the flight of gliders, 2) electronics, and 3) pneumatic robotics.

In segment 1, students will explore the principles of aerodynamics and aviation, learning the art of glider construction. They will delve into the concepts of lift and drag, and hone their gliding techniques, thereby developing an appreciation for the science underlying aviation.

In segment 2, students will be acquainted with the fundamentals of circuits and digital logic. They will demystify the workings of electrical components, circuit design, and the logic gates that underpin our digital world. Engaging in hands-on projects and experiments, students will acquire practical insights into circuit construction, laying a robust foundation for further exploration in electronics.

In segment 3, the course unveils the engineering principles behind robotic movements as students design and construct pneumatic robots. By understanding pressure systems and programming robotic actions, participants will immerse themselves in the dynamic and inventive field of robotics, witnessing their creations come to life.

Throughout the course, students will develop hands-on skills in utilising tools and materials, fostering confidence in their ability to design, test, and refine mechanisms. They will learn to sketch designs, brainstorm collaboratively, work effectively in teams, and embrace both sharing and responsibility.

Participants will engage in three projects during this program. Every student will construct a glider, alongside two additional projects—one in electronics and another in pneumatic robotics. In electronics, projects may include developing an electronic quiz system that identifies the first participant to press a buzzer or a device that measures and displays bicycle speed.

In pneumatic robotics, projects could involve utilising pneumatic circuits and an Arduino microcontroller to create models such as a slithering snake, an elephant's trunk, a gripper, a muscle, or other organic actuators, thereby offering a comprehensive exposure to the field of engineering and its creative potential.

Leveraging the Power of ChatGPT/ Generative AI (Senior Track - Students in Grades 8,9,10 in 2024-25) July 24-31, 2024

ChatGPT (and more generally, all of Generative AI technology) is one of the most powerful technologies ever invented and will completely transform how we learn, how we study, and what all we are capable of doing. Everyone has tried it out, and most students are using it for homework assignments. However, most people have just scratched the surface of the possibilities and they are not aware of the full power of this technology. The different ways in which it can be used are just mind-boggling.

This course will give students a hands-on introduction to GenAI via lots of mini-projects designed to help them understand and use GenAI in a number of different areas, from programming, data analysis, visualizations, knowledge management, image/audio/video manipulations, translations, and much more. Students will learn how to go beyond the obvious and get better output out of the various GenAI tools. They will also explore how Gen AI can be used to learn a topic or assist them in a project- this is invaluable for students interested in any subject, not just 'STEM'.

The course will also give students an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of GenAI, what works well, what are the problem areas and gotchas to be careful of, and the common misconceptions people have about Gen AI. At this point, there is already research on the kinds of tasks for which it supercharges our abilities, and the kinds of problems for which it can make things worse if we're not careful.

In general, this technology is changing very fast and this course is designed to equip the students with strategies that will help them to be ready for whatever comes our way. Students will also learn to use Gen AI as a partner in their learning, well beyond this course.

Note #1: This course will not cover the internals of how ChatGPT in particular, or any other AI in general works. That is covered in a different course that will also run during this summer camp.

Note #2: Students will be required to have a ChatGPT Plus account (which costs approximately ₹1650 for one month) for this course. We will help students set this up if they don't already have it.

This course is facilitated by Navin Kabra.

Junior Track Courses

The Junior track comprises the following modules; all students go through all the modules below:

The Junior Track is open to students who are moving to Grades 6 and 7 in 2024-25, with the caveat that those students who have already experienced the Junior track in previous years, and are moving to Grade 7 in 2024-25, could opt for the Senior Track.

This program has been designed to help tweens use both Analysis and Synthesis to engage with the world around them.

Analysis involves careful observation, hypothesizing, modelling & experimenting, simplifying, iterating and testing. Along this path, Math, while being an analytical tool that reveals hidden workings of the universe, is also a delight in its stand-alone glory.

To synthesise is to play “God” - to take disparate elements and to mesh them together in different ways; to innovate, first wading through the familiar and structured, and boldly moving onto the unchartered zones. To understand the limitations and possibilities that different elements offer and intelligently leverage them to create things of beautiful form and/or function is an incredibly fulfilling learning journey!

This track comprises the 2 modules below; all students go through both modules, each lasting a week;

Back to 2024 Program

The Joy of Creating Things (Junior Track - Students in Grades 6,7 in 2024-25)

“Creativity is just connecting things.” - Steve Jobs

This hands-on module comprises 2 activities.

This hands-on module comprises 2 activities.

Stop motion animation is a type of animation that is filmed one frame at a time. The actual characters/props are shifted between frames. To create a sense of movement, the sequence of pictures is played in rapid succession, it creates a sense of movement.

Creating a short stop motion animation using paper cutouts for characters and backgrounds. Students are taken through a simplified process of making a short film. They will create their own short stories or jokes or anecdotes, design the assets needed and shoot using their phones.

Rube Goldberg Machine As Wikipedia puts it, a Rube Goldberg machine, named after American cartoonist Rube Goldberg, is a chain reaction–type machine or contraption intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and (impractically) overly complicated way.

Usually, these machines consist of a series of simple unrelated devices; the action of each triggers the initiation of the next, eventually resulting in achieving a stated goal.

While watching these is a minute’s delight, designing and creating them is a labour of learning and love. Students will explore the properties of materials, geometries and symmetries and combine them with gravity and principles of Simple machines to design and create their own Rube Goldberg machine to perform a simple task such as moving a ball from one location to another.

This course is facilitated by Muralidhar K.

This module is part of the larger 2-week program to be held from July 17-31, 2024. All Junior students will have to go through all modules, including this.

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out (Junior Track - Students in Grades 6,7 in 2024-25)

How do you design a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis?

How do you make a reasonable estimate of the result you expect?

How do you devise methods to measure the parameters you use?

How do you interpret unexpected results? How do you present your data and compare it with similar experiments done by your peers?

How do you anticipate and account for possible errors?

These are questions that practising scientists must ask and answer in the course of their research in diverse fields – ranging from studying ant behavior to discovering pulsars. In this course, students will get a flavour of this scientific process through working on simple experiments related to light and sound. These are forms of energy that are very familiar to us and can be directly perceived by our senses. It will also underscore the fact that there is fascinating science to be revealed even in the most mundane and familiar situations. These explorations will hopefully lead to the children experiencing “the pleasure of finding things out” as Richard Feynman puts it.

The course will combine striking demonstrations and hands-on explorations where students must think through the above questions, working in groups with fellow students, sharing and constructively criticizing ideas.

In this process, we will of course encounter mathematics as the language of science, but we will also learn to look at mathematics as an intellectual challenge in its pure, abstract form and find joy in it.

This course is facilitated by Sukanya Sinha

This module is part of the larger 2-week program; all Junior Track students will have to go through both modules, including this.

Career Discovery & Planning

  • For students finishing Grades 10, 11, or 12
  • 3-week program starting May 8/ July 10, 2024
  • At the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal
  • Statement of Purpose, Jobs of the Future, Craft your Career (interact w/ Global Experts), Aptitude Assessments, Curated Projects
  • Ongoing online interaction with mentor (till project completion OR 6 months, whichever is shorter), post the residential component
  • Additional activities that broaden participant horizons, enhances their socio-emotional development and allows them to make connections with their peers and mentors, and have fun (in a device-free environment).
  • Upon completion of the internship, all participants will get an Internship Certificate.

A highly customised Program

All participating students will share their areas of interest, prior to Program start. The overall program flavour and content - Expert Interactions, Visiting Labs, Internship Projects - will be designed basis the information collected from our Participating cohort.

Below are illustrative examples of what the Participating cohort experienced on the May 2023 Program.

Expert Interaction

Participating students interacted with several experts, some of who are listed below:

  • Tukaram Mundhe - At the time of speaking to Program participants, Shri Mundhe, an award-winning IAS officer, held charge as the Election Observer for Udupi district for the 2023 Karnataka Vidhan Sabha Elections
  • Madhu Lakshmanan - Digital technology expert, Head SSRVM Pune (COEP, Clarkson University alum)
  • Dr Siddarth Patil - Head of Rideshare Science @Lyft (IIT Bombay, UC Berkeley alum)
  • Smriti Jalihal - Center for Knowledge Alternatives, FLAME University
  • Atul Gopal - Co-Founder Bull's Eye (COEP Pune, IIM Calcutta alum)
  • Dr Ganesh Nayak - Dept of Instrumentation & Control Engineering, MAHE, Manipal, as also author, a Himalayan cyclist, motivational speaker
  • Dr Freston Marc Sirur - Emergency Medicine

In the 3-week program, participants get a chance to interact with such a diverse/ elite group of leaders, and this is possible mainly because of the personal network of the GenWise Founders.

Labs Visited

Participating students visited the following Labs at the Manipal Academy for Higher Education (MAHE):

  • Department of Physics & Photonics, Manipal Institute of Technology
  • Department of Emergency Medicine, Kasturba Hospital
  • Major Student Projects - Mars Rover, Formula 1, All Terrain Vehicles

Sample Curated Projects

All participating students will share their areas of interest, prior to Program start. Program content and project ideas will be curated basis above input.Following are examples of Projects custom designed for our Participating Internship students:

  • Robotics project, modeled on the Duckietown platform
  • Business and Brand Strategy for Assisted Living/ Senior Citizens
  • Secondary Research on Cancer Cure via Gene Therapy
  • Building an app to solve the Rubik's cube, after capturing the initial state, using a camera
  • Designing a Football Coaching Academy for children in the age range of 6-13